Even the smallest parrots like the little budgerigar (commonly called budgie or parakeet) have been known to be too loud and nerve wracking for some people.Īre Pet Parrots Mean, Aggressive or Dangerous to Humans? Small parrots can be heard from equal distances with their shrill screams that are often repetitive and annoying. The larger species of parrots have ear shattering screams that can be heard from miles away. The parrots’ loud vocalizations help them in the wild to communicate with other parrots in the distance. Parrots are noisy animals who need freedom to live happily.

Yet, pet stores rarely offer these facts to their customers prior to purchase, and parrots’ popularity as pets is threatening their survival in the wild.

This increases the odds that the birds will be abused and neglected, and finally rehomed, possibly with an even worse guardian. Parrots are one of the most frustrating, destructive, messy, and noisy companions a person can have. The parrots’ wild traits don’t usually mesh well in people’s homes or even in outside aviaries. Aggression related to the stress of captivity.Even if captive bred, they possess the same wild traits as their wild born cousins who live in the jungles and rainforests. Parrots are considered to be animals who are inherently wild. Unfortunately, the truth is that keeping a parrot as a pet is cruel and potentially dangerous. Characteristic features of parrots are their curved bill, clawed zygodactyl feet, strong legs, and upright stance. The order is subdivided into three superfamilies: the Psittacoidea ("true" parrots), the Strigopoidea (New Zealand parrots), and the Cacatuoidea (cockatoos). In some cases, the fledgling will practice living on the ground, hopping around for days or even weeks! Keep children and pets away and let it be.Parrots are birds of roughly 398 species, found mostly in tropical and subtropical regions (the greatest diversity living in Australasia and South America). You should not attempt an immediate rescue of a fledgling bird, but instead observe it from a distance (inside your house if possible) to see if the parents are nearby. A fledgling, on the other hand, may have flown to the ground and is probably practicing important skills like foraging for insects.You will need to place it back into its nest. If you see a nestling on the ground, it has probably fallen or been kicked out of its nest by its parents.A nestling is a pink, newborn bird who has not yet grown any flight feathers, while a fledgling is more like a toddler: fledglings have grown some of their adult feathers and are beginning to practice the skills needed for survival as an adult, including foraging for food and flying for short distances. Depending on its developmental stage, a baby bird may need your help or it may be practicing important life skills and your "help" would actually interfere with this natural process. Notice if the baby is a nestling or a fledgling. For example, if you have found a baby chickadee, an internet search for "what do chickadees eat" or "chickadee diet" will tell you that they mostly eat insects but also like some seeds. Once you have identified the bird, you need to search the internet or a reliable reference book for information about that species' diet.When you get a response, be sure to do a Google image search to verify that the identification is correct. If you have a large social network on Facebook or Twitter, you can also try posting a picture of the baby bird and asking for help with an identification.For help identifying your bird's species, visit, where you can view a gallery of images of common nestlings.It is very important to identify the species before attempting an emergency feeding. If you feed a seed-eater a diet of worms, he will die. Other birds, like vultures, are meat-eaters. For example, some birds eat only seeds, while others eat only insects and worms. Different types of birds eat different types of food. Before you can feed a nestling, you need to know what kind of bird it is.